






Appointments for today and tomorrow are displayed on the homepage. The appointments are segregated by sweep (or Unspecified if no sweep name added to an appointment).

The time, customer name and postcode, and duration are shown where available.

Clicking on an appointment will take you to the customer's page.

Note: appointment data is cached so the dashboard loads faster, meaning it can take up to 5 minutes for any changes to be visible.


A list of appliances without an upcoming appointment booked is shown, displayed as appliances due to be swept this month or after this month.

The required resweep date is calculated using the date of the last appointment plus the number of months from the resweep within value of the appliance (added on the website or the app).

The default view sorts the appliances by due date (year then month).

Selecting Customer groups the appliances by customer.

The search field searches by customer name.

Note: overdue appliance data is cached so the dashboard loads faster, meaning it can take up to 15 minutes for any changes to be visible.


Any request to add, update or remove an appointment, customer, user or company, as well as emails sent, is logged and shown in the activity section, by day.